ASSOCIATIVE WEIGHING MACHINES are highly developed instruments which combine the weight data received from several weighing cells using combination software to obtain a predetermined dose.
The associative weighing machines are the ideal instruments to rapidly and very precisely dose all food products that are granulated or in pieces. Ideal for candy, dried cakes, snacks, chips, French fries, frozen products, seafood, vegetables, ready-made salads, etc.
Special constructions for metal pieces, plastic objects or elements and products for domestic animals are also available.
Equipped with 10 to 24 heads which are attached around a sealed central frame that contains all pieces necessary for their functioning, the associative weighing machines combine precision, reliability, hygiene and a high work cycle.
Makes them indispensable
PARIPAC- 18-20 rue Lamarck 75018 PARIS - Tel: +33 1 56 02 63 60 - contact@paripac.com